person making potterySources say pottery is one of the oldest human inventions, dating back tens of thousands of years. Early man discovered that clay, mixed with water and then heated at high temperatures, created hard, stone-like objects that would hold their shape. These ancestors of ours created pots and vessels for holding water, and often decorated them with simple linear and geometric shapes. Over time, skill and creativity flourished, and has brought us to the state of pottery craft today.

Creating pottery in today’s world requires specialized tools and supplies. You may decide to work in someone else’s studio that’s already equipped with these tools, or perhaps you are interested in outfitting a studio of your own. Here are a few of the things you’ll want to have access to:

  • A pottery wheel. While not absolutely necessary, using a pottery wheel allows you to create objects with radial symmetry. The wheel spins as a result of some power source – either by electricity or by a heavy flywheel, which is kicked by the potter. Which type you choose depends on factors like cost and portability.
  • A splash pan. Throwing clay onto the wheel can be messy business, and having a splash pan to reduce the amount that hits the table and floor can make the process much more enjoyable.
  • A kiln. Arguably the most expensive item required for making pottery, a kiln is the heat source for firing the clay. Choosing a kiln is a complicated process that requires research.

We at Your Craft Finder are dedicated to helping you make the best choices possible with your crafting dollars. We do the research for you, and free up time for you to spend more time creating!